Are you listening?


Are you??


Because sometimes we think we are but in reality we are not.

See God loves relationships and we know that communication is the base to any relationship.

And GOd does speak, He speaks all the time, the thing is are we listening….???

speak lord i am listening 320121131554807

Like Samuel can we say these words at any moment in our day to hear Him…Or are we too busy to STOP and listen…


So I encourage you today STOP and listen….because He is speaking !!!


Hii !!

Today is a good new day and what is in store for us is unlimited….:)

So whatever you may go through, know that God’s PEACE is unlimited and always available…

Just rest in His care and know that HE is GOD !!



Hello !!

So long I’ve been here…Oh how I missed it !!

So good to be back..:) I have been very busy with REV 

YES ..REV ??? What is it?? What does it stand for ??

Well REV = REVOLUTION = A youth ministry in it to change everything for JESUS and for his cause..A generation passionate aboute Jesus, people, church, community and Revolution…

We believe we serve a mighty GOD who can do Mighty things in us and through us !!

And love each young person and I ask that you pray for us !!

Here some pics….;)




Life is so crazy lately, after spending a year of solitude, just me, my family and God !!

Im just back into normal life, working, running after daily normal things and some days I just miss my solitude and believe me when I was in solitude I wanted this crazy busy life…how weird hum….but Im thankful for all God has done and all he is doing right now…in the most weird moment of my life I have found grace enough to understand that he is with me not only on solitude, but even in my most hectic crazy kind of day just being my peace, my all……

So glad to be able to have this loving God, this amazing grace and this life where his power shows up daily !!!

I know solitude is perfect and it makes being close to GOD easier, but isnt it awesome to practice being in touch(connection,relationship) with GOD even in the most hectic days, how powerful it is that we can do that and just be in complete harmony with him, we dont have to stop and acknowledge him, we just know He is there……and he is for you !!

Be blessed, 




“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” -Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust…not an easy word, I have had some hard moments with this word, and with the practice of trusting God,  have you ??

The word says with all your heart and sometimes we trust with only half of our hearts or just 1%…Why is doubt, fear, questioning much easier than trusting, why is it hard to uderstand that  GOD is in control and when we trust him and his way he will make the paths straight (right, perfect, no holes, no stones in the middle, no falling, nada… just straight = PERFECT )

If trust is a choice than I am doing that trusting non stop 100 % !!! For GOD is good and his mercies endure forever and he never fails !!!

Trust friends,


**Something nice for you to be a part of THE VOUS conference this week awesome !!!!