Are you listening?


Are you??


Because sometimes we think we are but in reality we are not.

See God loves relationships and we know that communication is the base to any relationship.

And GOd does speak, He speaks all the time, the thing is are we listening….???

speak lord i am listening 320121131554807

Like Samuel can we say these words at any moment in our day to hear Him…Or are we too busy to STOP and listen…


So I encourage you today STOP and listen….because He is speaking !!!


Hii !!

Today is a good new day and what is in store for us is unlimited….:)

So whatever you may go through, know that God’s PEACE is unlimited and always available…

Just rest in His care and know that HE is GOD !!



It has been a year since my last post and how things have changed.

But I intend to be more active here on this blog this year 🙂

I am doing this great devotional from Hillsong church and I will be posting the links here, nothing better than starting the year in the word of God.

Hope you all have an amazing 2015 !!

Our God always loving, amazing and BIG !!!